MIPS Project Detail:
Company Description:
Milestone Sports Ltd. is focused on connecting retailers and brands to consumers through its Wearable Marketing Platform (WMP). The platform collects comprehensive data from a low-cost foot pod that syncs to a mobile device. This rich, real-life data results in meaningful, personal, and valuable direct marketing: the future of retailer and brand loyalty.
MIPS Project
Sports Performance Improvement & Injury Avoidance
Project #
MIPS Round
Starting Date:
Mar 2016
MIPS Project Challenge:
The overall goals of this MIPS project were to evaluate and refine the current capabilities of the MilestonePod, Milestone Sports’ shoe-based activity monitor, as a fitness-tracker for distance running, and to extend these capabilities to sports and athletic motions other than running.
Project Scope:
Through this MIPS project, researchers planned to test the hypothesis that the MilestonePod can accurately measure and report biometrics for human running, compared to “gold standard” measurements derived from instrumented motion analysis, in the University of Maryland Neuromechanics Lab. Researchers also planned to measure the kinetics and kinematics of athletic motions common in sports such as soccer, basketball, and volleyball: sprinting, jumping, landing, cutting, and pivoting.
The results of the MIPS project and support along with the collaboration with the University of Maryland validated the MilestonePod against a motion capture gait mechanics lab. This has promoted multiple conversations and sales to clinicians, researchers and coaches. We are now working with eight research groups. We hope to increase that number even more as research starts being published.
The data collected through this MIPS project could be used by Milestone Sports to develop algorithms for objectively identifying when and how athletes are performing certain motions, extending the utility of the MilestonePod beyond running to sports where these motions play important roles in performance and injury risk.
Principal Investigator:
Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology
Project Manager:
Director of Research